Wednesday, 25 April 2012

update your HAIR COLOUR for winter

SUPER-LIGHT HIGHLIGHTS THAT LOOK PERFECT IN SUMMERcan highlight the wrong things in the winter—like an ashy, palid complexion. The same thing if your hair is too-dark...Never fear, here's how winterize your hair colour:If you're blonde, go more golden and less beige, and ask your colourist to weave both highlights and lowlights throughout your hair for a warmer look.Light brunettes should consider deepening their hair to a warm...
Sunday, 22 April 2012


SOMETIME A FRINGE {OR BANGS} CAN HAVE A MIND OF IT'S OWN ~here's how to get it back under control... 1. Get ‘em while they’re wet. You have to blow dry your bangs straight out of the shower! It’s a must. The minute they start drying on their own, you’re no longer the boss. Dry them, then get dressed, then come back and finish your hair.  2. Dry shampoo before your bangs get dirty. After you blow your hair out,...
Friday, 20 April 2012


HAPPY WEEKENDlove theMana girlsXX...
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

hair trend: THE INDIE FRINGE

WHAT DISTINGUISHES ONE FRINGE FROM ANOTHER HAS A LOT TO DO WITH ATTITUDE...and getting the perfect cut!In 2012 there are several ways to wear your fringe and the Indie fringe is one of the big trends. Messy, scruffy even if you will, but in that devil-may-care way that looks like you’ve perpetually just rolled out of bed. It’s youthful, carefree with a grungy edge. Here's how to wear and style the Indie Fringe...* This...
Sunday, 15 April 2012

younger-looking HAIR tricks

GLEAMING, SHINY HAIR IS 'YOUTH-FULL', so it's no surprise that dull, drab hair can age you! Pollution, harsh chemicals, and heat styling can all turn hair ho-hum, but a few extra steps will ensure your hair shines...• Start in the shower. Look for shine-enhancing shampoo and conditioner with ingredients like olive oil, jojoba, and rice proteins. Alternate these with your regular formulas to prevent buildup. Be wary...
Friday, 13 April 2012


HAPPY the Mana girlsXX...
Monday, 9 April 2012


MONIQUE @ MANA SHARE HER TOP TIPS FOR SHINY, HEALTHY HAIR...1. Wash your hair twice using a good quality shampoo. The first wash is to rid the hair of dirt and grime, the second is to allow the shampoo's ingredients to penetrate the hair.2. Squeeze the hair get rid of as much water, then condition from mid-lengths to ends. Comb conditioner through, leave for a few minutes and rinse with cool water.3. Give your hair a 10-20 minute...
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